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Adelaide South Australia

Rewilding Our World

This session is all about bringing nature back! The six films you’ll get to watch will take you on a rewilding world tour from cheetah reintroductions in South Africa to marine gardening in Korea.

Wild Connection Film Poster
Wild Connection

Directed by Jack Zakrajsek, Produced by Jack Zakrajsek & Ricardo Neiva, and Executive Produced by Jack Zakrajsek, Ricardo Neiva & Isaac Wright

Student & youth – 14 minutes

Nick Kleer and his partner, Kristina Perlerius, leave their homes and careers and head to the Free State of South Africa where they develop strong bonds with the wild cheetahs at Tiger Canyon Private Game Reserve. They strive to halt the downward spiral that cheetahs are facing such as habitat loss and the shrinking of their gene pool.


Date: 23rd of January, 2024

Time: 1:30pm – 3:30pm (includes 45 minutes Q&A)

Address: Bragg Theatre, The Environment Institute, University of Adelaide, North Terrace, Adelaide

This film session contains content that may not be appropriate for very young viewers. 8+ years recommended.

Odrina the Lynx

Directed by Miguel Anton

Student & youth – 5 minutes

After generations of absence, a silent shadow has returned to the forests of central Spain – one that the magpies are learning to fear again: the Iberian lynx.


Rewilding Our World

This session is all about bringing nature back! The six films you’ll get to watch will take you on a rewilding world tour from cheetah reintroductions in South Africa to marine gardening in Korea.


Date: 23rd of January, 2024

Time: 1:30pm – 3:30pm (includes 45 minutes Q&A)

Address: Bragg Theatre, University of Adelaide, North Terrace, Adelaide

This film session contains content that may not be appropriate for very young viewers. 8+ years recommended.

Wild Connection Film Poster
Wild Connection

Directed by Jack Zakrajsek, Produced by Jack Zakrajsek & Ricardo Neiva, and Executive Produced by Jack Zakrajsek, Ricardo Neiva & Isaac Wright

Student & youth – 14 minutes

Nick Kleer and his partner, Kristina Perlerius, leave their homes and careers and head to the Free State of South Africa where they develop strong bonds with the wild cheetahs at Tiger Canyon Private Game Reserve. They strive to halt the downward spiral that cheetahs are facing such as habitat loss and the shrinking of their gene pool.

Odrina the Lynx

Directed by Miguel Anton

Student & youth – 5 minutes

After generations of absence, a silent shadow has returned to the forests of central Spain – one that the magpies are learning to fear again: the Iberian lynx.

Penny: Harvesting Hope

Directed by Josh Robertson

Short – 6 minutes

After discovering harvest mice are on the brink of extinction in the UK, Chester Zoo’s Penny Rudd leads a mission to help protect this iconic species. But will her boundless passion for wildlife and lifelong determination to protect this charismatic species be enough?

Gardening marine forests
Gardening marine forests: A hands-on approach to restoration

Directed by Stefan Andrews, and Produced by Adriana Verges, Aaron Eger, & Stefan Andrews

Short – 20 minutes

What if people could be the secret to transforming ocean deserts into rich forests filled with an abundance of life? Join two marine scientists as they explore how a hands-on approach to marine restoration is working to revive marine kelp forests in South Korea.

My neighbour is a bear
My Neighbour is a Bear

Directed and Produced by Mattia Cialoni

Student & youth – 16 minutes

A rare Marsican bear family wanders down from the Italian Apennines to the charming village of Villalago, in search of food in the local orchards. For most people this would be a cause for concern, but for the residents of Villalago it is a rather different situation. The film tells the story of the determination of one woman to understand these bears, and gives an important lesson of the fragility of our connection with nature.

Beavers About Town

Directed by Yaz Ellis & Jack Mifflin

Short – 9 minutes

The city of Vienna is home to over 230 beavers, including one special beaver family who are the stars of this film. We follow them as they navigate the urban world they have made their home. From living in an unexpected “lodge”, swimming past humans everyday and using empty boats as places to relax. You’ve never seen beavers like this before.